
Soil Health Questions

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Frequently Asked Farm Soil Questions

Why is soil important?

Soils are the foundational element required for the cycle of life. Nearly all plants and animals depend upon soil.

How can we protect soils?

Soil can be protected by ensuring that the microorganisms that support the very foundational process necessary for live soil are protected and their existence is promoted.

How is soil formed?

Soil originates from the natural erosion and weathering of bedrock along with deposited materials from the wind and water. Soil forms as colonies of microorganism form to bring life to the soil.

What makes plants grow in soils?

Soil offers plants an ecosystem for survival and forms a basis of the web of life on Earth.

What is soil quality?

Soil quality depends on the use of the soil. In the context of farming, soil quality is defined by its ability to support organic life and facilitate healthy crop production.

What defines healthy soil?

When soil is healthy, it can host a broad spectrum of organisms that coexist and form a food web. Together in this ecosystem, the soil recycles nutrients left from biodegrading organic matter and recycles it back into the soil in a never-ending cycle.

What is the biggest challenge for soil scientists today?

From our perspective, the biggest challenge for soil science is to mitigate human factors clearly associated with impacting soil quality and the crucial production of quality whole foods for the growing world population.

Is soil a renewable resource?

Yes, soil can be considered a renewable resource in the greater scope of time, but it takes time and sometimes more time than humans. The more soil is polluted, the longer it will take to regenerate.

What are Farm Soil Conservation Services?

Farm Soil Conservation Services involve assessment and plan to prevent compaction and erosion issues that are common problems farms face.

How can The Soil Food Web improve Carbon Sequestration?

Fungal hyphae are composed of carbon, and they produce vast networks of carbon tubes throughout the soil. Unfortunately, they are easily destroyed through modern agriculture practices and can take time to regenerate. However, if regenerated they can provide a significant carbon sink as they require large amounts of carbon to create hyphae.

What are Agricultural Soil Ecosystem Services?

Agricultural Soil Ecosystem Services view the land as a complex system that is better served if the complexity of the food web is allowed to thrive. Ecosystem management considers internal and external impacts of the system involving potential habitats and water ways for animals as predators are an important part of any system.  

What Do Soil Environment Services Involve?

Agricultural Soil Ecosystem Services view the land as a complex system that is better served if the complexity of the food web is allowed to thrive. Ecosystem management considers internal and external impacts of the system involving potential habitats and water ways for animals as predators are an important part of any system.  

Do I Need Soil and Water Conservation Services?

Soil and water conservation is often corrected with biological remediation of the soil. Erosion and water holding capacity of the soil only worsen with time if nothing is done to correct the issues.

Can a Soil Erosion Service Help My Farm?

Fallow soils and bare ground are prone to erosion and surface compaction from rain fall. These can lead to bigger problems if left unchecked. There are many solutions to these problems but an assessment of the situation needs to be done.

What Are Farmland Soil Remediation Services?

Farmland Soil Remediation Services involve regeneration of lifeless compacted dirt and turning it into productive farmland once again. The degree of compaction, loss of biology, external environmental impacts and level of salt buildup in the soil will determine when remediation will occur, but the damage is reversable and the dirt can be remediated back into soil.

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